How to add a Single Asset?

How to add a Single Asset?


This section is the primary section from where we can add a particular asset into our asset infinity application.  

For doing this we need to go to: 

Asset Infinity Application > Add Asset 

When we reach here, we see the following screen: 


You can see the Edit Option here, which you can use to Add or Remove any column from this sheet. This can be seen by a red rectangle in the above image. 

You can also see that the text points, with the Red Asterisk are Mandatory Fields, and hence without filling them, the asset data will not be saved into the Asset List. 
If we start adding our asset we will have to fill the following columns: 

Asset Name: We have to add the name of the asset which we want to add in the Asset Name Textbox.

Asset Code: The asset code is autogenerated when we add the asset on the platform. 

Status: The status of the asset reflects that whether the asset is “In Use” which means that it has been allotted to someone or “In Stock”, if the particular asset we are adding is present in our stock but has not been allotted to anyone. 

Then we have the Category dropdown from where we have to select the category of the asset we are adding. For example, if we had been adding “Laptop” as an asset, then in the category we would have to select “IT Assets”. 

We can then upload any asset image. 

If we move ahead we will see the following screen: 


Now we need to identify the location of the asset, we can do that by clicking on the location option mentioned under Geo Location Heading shown in the red rectangle which automatically adds the present location or we can open the asset location dropdown to select a particular location. 


Then we can enter the additional information associated with our asset. Here we have: 

The condition option from where we can choose the present working condition of the asset, that means, whether its condition is good, or bad or any other option which we can set as per our requirements.

We can enter the Brand, Model, Description of the asset , serial number of the asset. 

We can also upload any other additional documents related to its purchase or maintenance or any other aspect through the “Upload Files” Option. 

The “Authorized Signature” is a new option provided by asset infinity which ensures the integrity of the asset information. This means that the asset information will not be added until the authorised person has added his/her signature in this field. 

If we move ahead, 


We see the Purchase Information Section through which we can add any purchase related information for the particular asset we are adding. It has the following fields: 

We can add the name of the vendor who supplied the asset under “Vendor Name”. 
We can add the Purchase Order (PO) Number. We can specify if the particular asset is Self Owned by us or by our partner which is useful for the depreciation calculations. 
We can then mention the Invoice Date, Number , the Purchase Date and the price at which the asset was purchased. 

If we move further ahead, 


We see the Financial Information Section in which we can add the information as per our requirements primarily for the Depreciation Calculation. 

We can add the Capitalization Price or the price on which the depreciation will be calculated. 
We can specify the Years left to the end of life of the asset, the Capitalization Date, the rate of depreciation we want to charge. 
We can also specify any accumulated depreciation, any statutory depreciation rate which is required for income tax purposes. 
Then we can mention the scrap value of this particular asset. Through the bar code option with this field, we can directly scan the information as well. 


Here we see the Allotted Information for any asset which has been allotted to a department or a specific individual. 

Here we can select the Department which is having hold of the asset. 
The Transferred to option is mandatory when we have specified the Status of the Asset as “In Use”. 
We can also specify a duration for which the particular assets will be allotted, after this duration, the email notifications will be sent to the users who have to return their assets. 
We can also specify any remarks regarding the asset. 


Then we see the Warranty Information Section, 

Here we can specify the Vendor who will do the Annual AMC, who will take care of the warranty. The End and start dates for the AMC, Warranty and Insurance related to the assets can be specified here. 

When we click on the “Save” Button, the asset information gets added in the Asset List or the Fixed Asset Register (FAR). 

This ends our add asset section. 



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