Setting up Chainway C72 for RFID scanning

Setting up Chainway C72 for RFID scanning

The Chainway C72 is a rugged mobile computer specifically designed for RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) applications. It provides capabilities for RFID tagging and reading, making it suitable for inventory management, asset tracking, logistics, and other RFID-related tasks.

When considering the Chainway C72 for RFID tagging, it's important to assess your specific requirements, such as the RFID frequency, read range, tag compatibility, and software integration needs.

Setting up the Chainway C72 for RFID tagging

Make sure you have installed the following applications in the Chainway C72 device to use RFID Tagging.

  1. Asset Infinity v2
  2. keyboardemulator v11.3.9.M (appURL)

NOTE: Ensure that the Android WebView version is updated to the latest version.

Settings for keyboardemulator:

Open the keyboardemulator app and follow these steps:

Step 1: Function

Set the Enable Scanner option to ‘On’

Make sure that the UHF check box is checked.

Please refer to the following image:

Step 2: AppSettings

You can apply the settings as per your requirements but we strongly recommend the following settings for smooth process.
Please refer to the following images:

Process Mode should be set to 'Broadcast Receiver':

For RFID, make sure the following values are provided:

Broadcast name: android.intent.action.scanner.RFID
Key: data 
Additionally, set the end mark as 'Enter'

Moving ahead, for Data Format, Select 'Hex' under RFID.
Refer to the following image:

Next up is the Continuous Scan, please set the values as shown in the image below:

The continuous scan should be checked.
If not then you will have to pull the trigger again after each successful scan. For multiple tags in the area, continuous scan is recommended.

Output range should be set as per your requirement. It ranges from 1-30.
If set to 1 then you have to get very close to the tag in order to scan it and vice versa. 

Every other settings including the 2DSettings should be kept as default.

Once the keyboardemulator app is set up, you can then test it out in the 'Test' section as shown in the image below:

After selecting the test menu, you need to pull the trigger of the scanner in order to collect the tags around you.
Please refer to the image: (After pulling the trigger)

This concludes the setup of Chainway C72 RFID Reader.

Important points to consider:

While adding an asset in the Asset Infinity application, make sure that the Asset Code field has the same number which is present on the RFID tag.
By default we have the 'Asset Code' field for storing the RFID number. If you want, you can change the default field under scan settings.

Click here to watch the tutorial on YouTube

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