Configuring Schedules Through Categories l Asset Category

Configuring Schedules Through Categories

Configuring Schedules Through Categories 

Menu > Application Setting > Asset Category 

Create Activity schedules for a number of Assets that are added under the category by default. 


After clicking on this button, a new screen appears 


The fields visible to create an activity on this screen are explained below in the table. 






Assignee Based on 

Application allows you to select type of assignee when an asset is added under the respective category.  

1. User involved:  The activity is assigned either to the user asset is allotted to, created or Location head to which asset is added  

2. User Role: Activity is raised for the group of users lying under that role. 



User Type 

Select any assignee which is displayed 



Start Schedule after (Days) 

The days after which activity occurs for the first time 


The considered date is selected as per condition set in “Schedule based on” field 

Schedule based on 

User can select a field/column that will be holding a date which will be considered as date of that activity. 


Fields like Invoice Date, Capitalization Date, Purchase Date, End of Life and other custom fields (with date format) can be added to this section. 

Activity Type 

User can select any type of activity which is showing over there.  




User can select existing Occurrence.  



Activity Reminder 

Given the different type of activity reminder like (Same day, 1 day before, 2 days before, 10 days before etc.)  




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