How To Create Audit l Audit and Physical Verification l Asset Infinity

Creation of Audit

Creation of Audit

Menu > Audit & Physical Verifications > Manage Audits 


If the User needs to verify assets, they can create an audit to process verification of assets. 


Click on Manage Audits, a new screen pops up. Two types can be created: 

  1. SELFAllotted users have to undertake Audit for their own assets. In Self Audit, user can select Asset Category, Locations and Department to perform Audits. The fields displayed when the user creates a Self-Audit are shown below:  




AIDED: Audit can be created for multiple users. In an Aided Audit, user can assign allotted and unallotted assets, Asset CategoryLocations and Department, to specific Audit User. Fields displayed when the user creates an Aided Audit are shown below: 




Below are the fields under Self Audit and Aided Audit: 







Start Date 

Select a start date for the Audit



End Date

Select an end date for the Audit


End date should be greater then start date

Audit Name 

Enter the name of the Audit


Audit name should be unique

Audit for Fields

Select fields from the drop down. In the drop down all the fields are of Asset information




Here we have to select Categories from the drop down


All the active category will be displayed


Here we have to select Locations from the drop down


 All the active

Location will be displayed


Here we have to select Department from the drop down


All the active

Department will be displayed

Audit User

Select user from the drop down to Assign the Audit. Mandatory in case of Aided Type Audit


Mandatory Fields in case of Aided Audit

Click Here To Download A Template File For Creating Audit

A template file is downloaded on which user enter the fields and create aided type audit for multiple users Category, location, departments and user name are present in this reference file





Download File Reference

Here a user can download the reference file in which he can find the Location, Department, Category and the users



Upload Files

To create multiple audit for multiple user




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