How To: Import Multiple Schedules in Bulk in Asset Infinity

How To: Import Multiple Schedules in Bulk in Asset Infinity

In Asset Infinity, multiple maintenance schedules can be created at once. This is useful when your company has many assets with multiple assets needing maintenance at the same time. This also saves you from the hassle of creating each maintenance schedule individually leading to a wastage of time and effort. 

To create multiple maintenance schedules at once, data regarding the schedules needs to be uploaded into the Asset Infinity application. 

To upload maintenance schedule data in bulk, you can follow these steps -  

Menu > Import Data > Schedules 

The schedules screen will open. 




 There is a spreadsheet given in the schedules screen.  

 Here, there are multiple steps that users can take to import their data. These are:-  


-       Users can enter their data in the given spreadsheet. 


In the spreadsheet, certain parameters have been marked with an asterisk (*), these parameters are mandatory to be filled for data to be saved.  





When we click on save without filling these parameters, we get the following error: 





Users need to fill the following parameters in the spreadsheet –  


The name of the asset and its location need to be mentioned. 

The service vendor involved needs to be specified. 

The asset code needs to be mentioned along with a description of the asset. 

The activity type to be performed needs to be mentioned along with the user group who will be performing the activity. 

The user who will be responsible for the activity (assignee) needs to be mentioned along with the start date, frequency, and end date of the activity. 


We need to mention how soon reminders about the activity will be given – it could be 1 day, 2 days or 3 days before the activity or any other    custom schedule based on our requirements. 


The date on which the schedule has been created has to be mentioned along with any people we feel should be informed about the activity.  


And finally, the user who has created the schedule needs to be mentioned along with the vendor involved in fulfilling the schedule. 


After entering the data, click on save. The data will be imported. 




-       Users can download an excel template, fill it, and upload it to import the data.  


To download the template, click on the download template button. 




 An excel sheet will be downloaded with the same columns as the spreadsheet given in the schedules screen. 





 Fill the excel sheet with relevant data. Ensure that all the details marked as mandatory (*) in the spreadsheet given on the schedules page are filled in the excel sheet. 





Click on the upload button to upload the excel sheet and select the file that you want to upload.  








The spreadsheet given in the schedules screen will be filled with the data given in the excel sheet. 





Click on save. The data will be uploaded. 


Users can download and view sample data to guide them on how to add data to the excel sheet template.  

To download and view sample data, click on the download reference file button, and open the excel file that is downloaded. 




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