How To: Import Role & Category Mapping in Asset Infinity

How To: Import Role & Category Mapping in Asset Infinity

Role-Category Mapping : When a user wants to map a certain role with a category of their choice in order to grant/manage any access for those roles on these categories, they would firstly need to follow the steps below to upload in bulk(or one at a time) the various roles and categories that they would like to be mapped against each other:

Open your web browser and navigate to the Asset Infinity website. Log in to your account using your credentials and go to “Import Data” module. 


Menu > Import Data > Role Category Mapping 



A “Role Category Mapping” window will open. You can see an excel sheet to enter details such as “Role Name” and Category Name”. 



To download a reference file for looking up related values click on the “i” icon, a Role Category Mapping reference excel file will be downloaded with reference values. 



Enter the Roles such as Owner, IT Admin, Employee, etc. in “Role Name” and their Categories such as AV equipment, AV system, Bio-medical equipment, etc. You can even copy-paste data from an excel sheet. 



Any wrong entry will be flagged Red as shown above. Since there is no pre-defined role as “xyz” or category as “abc” it is highlighted as red. 



If there is any data missing respective to any cell the following error will appear while saving the data. 



You can also download an Excel Template of the Role Category Mapping sheet by clicking on the “Download Template” icon. 

The sheet will be downloaded in your device and can be accessed from there. You can now fill in the data directly into the downloaded template. 



To upload the data sheet of Role Category Mapping, click on “Upload File” icon. 



Now select the desired file to be uploaded and click on open. 



You can see all the data has been uploaded in their respective cells. Now to Save the uploaded data click on “Save” button. 



A green pop up will appear at the top right corner of the screen showing that data was saved successfully.  


This is how you Upload Role Category Mapping in Asset Infinity. 

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