The Request Types that the user has created in order to define if they are either making a Purchase Request or a Service Request, can then be managed by simply following the steps shown below:
Navigate to the “Request Type List” just below the “Add a Request Type” form.
Customize the Request Type List by filters to see specific records.
To view a Request type, click on the “View” icon to respective Request Type in the list.
The selected Request Type will appear with all the details.
To edit a Request Type, click on the “Edit” icon respective to the Request type you want to edit.
The respective Request Type will open in Request Form with all the prefilled details.
Once you have made all the necessary edits click on the "Update" button to save your changes in the Request Type. A green pop up will appear on the top right corner of the window showing it has been saved successfully.
To delete a Request Type click on the “Delete” icon respective to that Request Type.
A confirmation pop up will appear. Click on “Yes” to delete the Request Type.
To delete multiple Request Types, Select the respective Request Types from the Request Type List and then click on “Delete” key above the list.
A confirmation pop up will appear. Click on “Yes” to delete multiple request types.
The changes will be reflected in the Request Type List.
By following these steps, you can effectively manage different request types in Asset Infinity and streamline your asset management processes.