This report is helpful to look at the information regarding all the Utility Activities which have been completed by the assignee.
We will see the following screen:
The Asset Name if the utility was attached to a particular asset is mentioned.
The Start Date, End Date, Total Reading and how much Extra Units were found is mentioned.
If we scroll to the right, we see:
The Occurrence schedule is visible.
The total consumption units are provided and based upon them the Total Consumption Amount is calculated.
Application Settings > Usage > Utility Report Value
We will see the following screen:
Here we see all the details related to the Usage Monitoring Activities where the Feed Value was set at Fixed.
We see the information related to the Consumption Unit, the
warning name, any extra reading which we found, the Meter Type, the Total
Consumption including any extra reading, the location where the activity took
place and the per unit rate of set by us.
If we scroll to the right, we see that the Asset Name has been specified for which the usage activity was performed.
We see the multiplication factor which we had specified, the Occurrence Schedules of the activity, the Total Amount calculate as per the measurement and the per unit rate.
The Reading Date, the Budgeted Unit which we have set are being
mentioned here.
The meter reading time, the Budgeted Amount calculated according to the budgeted per unit rate and the units is calculated.
Feed Type is Fixed, the Excess Units are mentioned.
The Opening Reading and the amount calculated for the excess unit is also mentioned.
If we scroll to the right, Closing Reading column is there where the closing readings are mentioned.
This completes our Utility Report Value.