How To: Setup Meters/Warnings for Usage Monitoring in Asset Infinity

How To: Setup Meters/Warnings for Usage Monitoring in Asset Infinity

This section is useful to monitor the Usage of any type of Meter which we add through the Meter Type Master. We can set warning levels to inform about any undesirable readings when they occur.  

This section can be reached by going to: 

Menu > Usage > Usage Monitoring 

We will see the following screen: 


Here, we see all the details related to the setting up of Usage Monitoring Module.  

·         We can measure the usage by a specific asset by selecting the asset in the “Asset” Dropdown column. 

·         We must specify the Location where the Usage Monitoring will take place. 

·         In the Occurrence Field we must select that how often will the Usage Monitoring happen. Whether Daily, Weekly, Monthly or One time. 

·         We can also specify, that when the reminder for the Usage Monitoring must be sent to the assignee so that the assignee completes the Usage Monitoring Task Successfully. 

·         We can also upload any relevant files through the “Attach Files” Section. 

·         Through the “Assignee” Field we must specify the name of the person who will be conducting this usage monitoring activity. 

·         We can provide any description of this usage monitoring activity as well. 

·         Then we must mention the Start Date of this activity. 


Here, we need to specify, the end date. 


We can also send email reminders regarding this activity to other users by selecting them within the “Send Emails to” Field. 


In the Meter section, we need to mention the details regarding the meter for which the monitoring activity will take place. 


We can add multiple meters within this section by selecting the “+” button and can remove any additional meter added by clicking on “x” button. 


We must specify, the name of the meter, for example, the Electricity Meter can be a selected option here. 

The Feed Value column shows these 3 options:  


This column depicts the nature of the meter we have selected. Does the value in it remain fixed within a selected Upper or Lower limit or whether it keeps on increasing with usage (Ascending) or whether it Decreases with usage. (Descending). For example, an Electricity Meter increases as more electricity is consumed so the Feed Value for it will be Ascending. 

The multiplication factor is the factor which when multiplied with the Unit results in a specific unit rate. For the electricity meter this is 1. 

The Unit Rate is the per unit rate. 

In the recording time we must select a specific time from when the usage monitoring of the meter will start. 



Then, when we scroll to the right within the Meter Section, we find this “Allow Additional Unit” Field. This is useful when we have set the fixed lower and upper bound measurement values and we want to enter any additional unit going beyond that range. 



In the “Warning at Reading” Section, we can specify a warning being triggered when the measurement goes beyond certain levels. 

We must set a Warning Name first. 

Then we must select the name of the meter for which the warning will be triggered. 

In the “Report Based on” Field we have 2 options, whether to do it based on Units or based on the amount calculated for the units. We can do it as per our requirements. 

We must specify the Minimum and Maximum levels for which the warning will be triggered. 

In the Warning Users Field, we must select the name of the users who will be notified in case the reading goes beyond the set levels. 

When we click on Save, the information gets saved in the Grid and the Usage Monitoring Activity gets created. 


We can see all the details of the usage activities created in this grid with all the information added by us. 

We can edit or manage a specific record or delete it by using the buttons  

As per your requirement, you can then create maintenance activities whenever the application triggers a ‘Warning Email’ to the concerned user. 

This completes our Usage Monitoring Section. 

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