How To: Use the Form Builder in Asset Infinity

How To: Use the Form Builder in Asset Infinity

Form Builder: As seen in all the forms in Asset Infinity, such as the 'Add Asset' form, 'New Ticket' form, or any other form such as the 'Location', 'Category', there is a tiny blue 'pencil' icon on the top-right corner of each of these screens, which upon clicking opens an editable version of that form which can be all be viewed under Form Builder in the grid view that can also be edited. Now, anytime a user wants to create custom fields of their choice unique for their business requirements with ease, they could use the following steps to do so:

Menu > Application Settings > Advanced Settings > Form Builder

 As mentioned above, the existing forms in the system can all be viewed in the grid form as seen below:

You could either search for the form you are looking to customize in this grid view, and then edit it by clicking on the "edit" pencil icon next to it on the grid, or you could also type out the name of the form you want to edit in the 'Form Title' field in the form seen in the image below:

Now the user could use the options for the fields to be created as seen in the image below, by dragging and dropping them under the specific sections they want, such as 'Default Section'; there are various options for the kind of fields that can be created such as a 'Textbox', 'Number', 'Choices' (dropdown field), 'Password' field, 'Image' field, 'Yes/No' option field, 'Date & Time' field, etc. that can be dragged and dropped onto the right-hand side of this option-list, and enter the details required in these fields/labels, set various parameters, etc. and then 'save' each of these labels/fields and 'save' this form in the 'Form Builder':

As seen above, the user may also choose to 'Add Section(s)' of their choice under which each label/field of their choice can be dragged and dropped and once the user finally clicks on 'Save' on this customized form, a form of your choice is successfully edited/customized or even a new form could be created in Asset Infinity.
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