RFID R700 Impinj Device Configuration

RFID R700 Impinj Device Configuration

Determine the reader hostname to connect to a network with a DHCP server.
• Impinj R700 Hostname: impinj-XX-XX-XX (where XX-XX-XX is the last 3
hex couplets of the reader MAC address, e.g. impinj-89-AB-CD)
• The MAC address is printed on labels affixed to the reader and shipping box

RFID R700 Device Configurations: - 


Login ID – root 

Password impinj 


Once the reader is connected, the Web UI should look similar to the image below:



Notice on the right-hand side, the circled parameter named "Available Interfaces". In this dropdown menu, select the Impinj IoT Device Interface option and select "Update". 


Now, the Web UI should look like this, with the Preview option shown circled below: 


Select that Preview option to open a new window, which will allow for the configuration of the reader's MQTT connection. 

Setting up MQTT on the Reader 

The new window should show the Profile Presets page in the R700's IoT Web Interface. 








To enable MQTT, select the "Configuration" option in the top right of the screen and select the MQTT tab. On this screen, select "Enable MQTT Output" and fill in the rest of the form with your MQTT broker information (more on that below). 

Once that is done, select "Submit" to enable MQTT connection on your reader with the requested settings. 



Client ID - xxxx (Company Name) 

Broker Hostname – iot.assetinfinity.com 

Topic xxxx (Company Name)/impinj 

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