How to import multiple items?

How to import multiple items?

How to add multiple items in inventory at once in Asset Infinity 


In Asset Infinity, multiple items can be added to inventory at the same time. This is useful when your company has a large inventory with multiple items, a large number of employees and a high demand for inventory. 


To add multiple items to inventory at once, data regarding the addition of items needs to be uploaded into the Asset Infinity software. 


To upload data regarding the addition of items in bulk to inventory, you can follow these steps -  

Go to Import Data  >  Items 

The Items tab will open 

The items tab contains the Bulk Items form 



In the Items tab, there are two fields that need to be mentioned. These are –  
The mode of addition needs to be mentioned – this could be opening stock, purchase or stock add 

The date on which items are being added needs to be specified.

There is a table given in the Items tab  

Here, there are multiple steps that users can take to upload their data. These are-  

Users can enter their data in the given table 
In the table, certain parameters have been marked with an asterisk (*), these         parameters are mandatory to be filled for data to be saved.  




When we click on save without filling these parameters, we get the following error 




Users need to fill the following parameters in the table –  

In the ‘Receivable’ field, we need to specify if the receipt of the item need to be verified or not 
The name of the item needs to be mentioned along with the category of which it is a part of 
The unit of measurement of the item need to be mentioned – this could be numbers, kilograms, liters etc. 
A description of the item needs to be provided 
The stock point type where the item is being added to needs to be mentioned - this could also be a location, user, or asset 
The location where the item is being added needs to be mentioned along with any asset or user associated with the item 
The rate of the item needs to be mentioned along with the quantity of the item that is being added 
The batch number and batch date associated with the item need to be specified 

And finally, the item code of the given item needs to be mentioned 

After entering the data, click on save. The data will be uploaded. 


Users can download an excel template, fill it, and upload it to upload the data  

To download the template, click on the download template button 



An excel sheet will be downloaded with the same columns as the table given in the Items tab 





Fill the excel sheet with relevant data. Ensure that all the details marked as mandatory (*) in the table given on the Items page are filled in the excel sheet.  








 Click on the upload button to upload the excel sheet and select the file that you want to upload.  






 The table given in the Items tab will be filled with the data given in the excel sheet. 




 Click on save. The data will be uploaded 


Users can download and view sample data to guide them on how to add data to the excel sheet template. 


To download and view sample data, click on the download reference file button, and open the excel file that is downloaded 





Users can refer to this file when entering data into the excel sheet. 


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