How To Manage Your Audits l Physical Verification l Asset Infinity

Manage Your Audits

Manage Your Audits

Menu > Audit & Physical Verifications > Manage Audit 


If a user wants to manage created Audit for updating, deleting and copying the data, they can simply follow below steps for managing the audit.




For creating audit, the user has to provide valid Information for creation: 






Start Date  

Select the start date for the Audit 


Should be present date or future 

End Date  

Select the end date for the Audit 


# Should be present date or future 

# End date should be greater then start date 

Audit Name  

Enter name of the Audit  


should be unique 

Audit for Fields  

Select fields from the Drop-down for all the fields containing Asset information 




Select the Category from the Drop-down 




Select Locations from the Drop-down 




Select Department from the Drop-down 



Audit User  

Select user from the Drop-down to assign the Audit 



Click Here To Download A Template File For Creating Audit  

A template file is downloaded on which user enters the fields and creates Aided Type Audit for multiple users 



Download File Reference  

A reference file is downloaded where Category, Locations, Department and Audit User name are present 



Upload Files  

Upload the file to create Audit for multiple users 





After providing valid information, go to Save button to save the audit. You can now view the created audit in "List of Audits" as shown below. 




Now your audit is ready. User can create more audits as per requirements. User can also create Audit for a specific CategoryLocation and Department through the given field shown below. 




Deleting an Audit


Select the Audit from the grid and click on Delete button: 

Reason is required to delete an audit. User cannot delete an audit that has been started. 
Enter the reason in the pop-up and click on OK button. 
The audit will be deleted. (If an audit Start Date and End Date are of current date, the audit cannot be deleted). 





Extending the Audit Date 


Select the Audit from the List of Audits and click on Extend Date button as shown below: 


In the Extend Date pop-up, enter a new date for the Audit and click on Save button.


The user cannot extend the date of an expired Audit.  


  • If the audit is created on current date and the end date is also of present date, then the date cannot be extended.  

  • We cannot update the date to a previous one. e.g. if an audit is from 3 April 2020 to 7 April 2020, we cannot make it to 6 April 2020. 



Editing of Audit 


Select Audit from the List of all Audits grid and click on Edit icon.

After making the changesclick on the Save option. A user can only edit Audit Date, Start Date, End Date. 



Exporting Data 


Select Audit from List of all Audits grid for exporting specific audit detailsIf user wants to export all the list of audits, they can just  click on the iconnext to Delete icon: 

  1. Copy To Clipboard: Copy the data and directly paste it to desired location. 
  2.  Export To Excel When user clicks on the Export to Excel option, all the audits under the grid will be downloaded in the user  system in Excel format. 
  3. RefreshWith this optionuser can choose for refreshing the List of all Audits. 




View Icon 


If user wants to view details of created Audits, they can just select the audit and choose the Eye icon next to Plus icon from the  List of all Audits for viewing the details.


After selecting the Eye icon, all details will be visible in the fields as shown. 


Create Icon 

 If user wants to create the auditthey can also click on the plus icon “+“  to create a new audit. 



After clicking on Plus icon, the above screen will open, wherein the user can make the audit according to their need. 

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