How To: Create and manage Stock Audit in Asset Infinity
Stock Audits in Asset Infinity refer to the audit activities created on the Inventory of a user.
Use the following path to navigate to Stock Audits-
Menu > Audits & Physical Verifications > Inventory Audits> Stock Audits
1. Creating a new stock audit-
As we click Stock Audit section in the menu, the following screen will be visible from where we can create a Stock Audit-
i) Edit option- At the Top Right Corner, shown in the above image, we can see an Edit Option by using which we can add or remove any fields from this form. Here, we can see different fields associated with the creation of a stock audit. We have the fields related to Audit Name, Assignee, Location, Category, Start Date, End Date.
ii) Audit Name- Audit Name refers to a name which we will set for this stock audit.
iii) Assignee- Assignee is the person who will conduct the audit. When we click on this field, we see the options related to the name of the people whom we have authorized to conduct the audit. We can choose the person from them as per our requirements. A user can select any assignee from the dropdown as shown below.
iv) Location- Location is the area where the audit will be conducted. A user can select any location from the dropdown.
vi) Start Date and End Date- This defines the date when the audit will start and end. Start and End Date must be defined for the audit.
vii) Show Book Count- If ‘Show Book Count’ toggle is set to ‘Yes’, that means the inventory present within the system will be visible to the person who will do the audit.
viii) Allow users- If ‘Allow users to manually edit physical count’ toggle is set to “Yes”, this means that if there is any mismatch between the inventory present in the application and the inventory discovered during the audit, then the assignee can make the necessary changes to that.
Note: Clicking on “Cancel” will reset all the fields in the audit form while clicking on “Save” will create a Stock Audit which will be visible in the Stock Audit Information Grid.
2. List of Stock Audits-
The Stock Audit gets saved to the List of Stock Audits as shown in the below image. In the information grid, we can see the information for all the audits at once. The information grid is shown below-
3. Editing a Stock Audit -
We can make changes to an existing Stock Audit by clicking the edit/pencil icon of a Stock Audit next to the View icon.
As we click the edit icon of a Stock Audit, the following screen is visible:
We can see that the audit which we selected
for editing shown by the red rectangle fills up the fields in the Create a
new Stock Audit Form. From here we can update the information which we
want to change.
4. Viewing a Stock Audit -
We can see the Stock Audit information being
displayed by clicking the view icon of a Stock Audit shown in red
rectangle. Here we can find out the information specific to an audit such as
its Name, Location, Assignee, Start Date etc. As we click the view button of
a Stock Audit, we see the below given screen:
As we click the view icon of a Stock Audit,
the following screen is visible. We can see that the audit which we selected
for viewing shown by the red rectangle fills up the fields in the Create a
new Stock Audit Form-