Inventory on Homepage > Manage inventory
As the user clicks on the Manage Inventory, select an item from the list in the grid and click on the Move Inventory button as shown in the screen given below. The same can be done in the case of multiple items.
While Moving Inventory, when the user selects the Location in the Transfer from the field the Available stock will be displayed for the item selected. The quantity entered by the user should not exceed the Available Stock.
Item Name - Selected Item’s name will be displayed.
Available stock - When the user selects the Transfer from Location the Available stock on that Location will be displayed.
Re-order Level - When the user selects the Transfer from Location then Re-order Level set on that location will be displayed. Re-order Level of selected Location will be displayed.
Quantity - Enter the number of items to be moved.
Mode | Select the mode from the drop down. Mode denotes the manner in which inventory is moved i.e. as a transfer or transport. | Yes |
Move To Location | User can select the location from the drop down where user want to move the stock. | Yes | The Location selected in Transferred from location will not display in Move To Location drop down |
Moved By | Name of the user who moved the inventory. | No |
Remarks | Add remarks for the inventory movement. | No |
Upload Files | User can Upload multiple files by clicking on choose file button | No |
Custom fields can be added to this screen and ca be managed from custom fields in advanced settings
Click on save to save the changes, by clicking on save and print option you can also generate a PDF for keeping your physical record.