Understanding The Homepage l Dashboard l Asset Infinity

Understanding The Homepage

Understanding The Homepage 


As soon the user logs in into the portal with their unique login credentials, the below screen appear by default. Here users can see all navigation buttons and filters required to perform their tasks and steps on the assets stored in the application. 


Navigation to Different modules 


The above strip on top are shortcut buttons to navigate to different windows or modules of the application as described below: 

Helpdesk: User can manage Tickets (breakdown maintenance) and Procurement (PO, PR & GRN) from the Drop-down here. 

InventoryUsers can access the inventory management module directly using this button on the Homepage. 

ReportsUsers can access multiple reports generated in the application from this tab. 

  1. Asset Management 

  1. Tickets, Incidents & Breakdowns 

  1. Schedules & Maintenance 

  1. Depreciation Reports 

Inventory Management 


Add Asset: Using this button, the user directly lands on to a form called Asset Addition Form, where they can see multiple fields to fill asset details and add in the application. 


Using the Filters 


Filters on the top are available to filter the required data in the grid below the page. This grid holds all information pertaining to the assets that were added to the application. Users can use multiple filters over this grid of assets added. There are several filters: 

Category: The list of assets can be filtered as per the category under which they were added.  

Asset Location: Assets may lie at different locations as per the organization structure. Users can filter out the data using this multiple select Drop-down and find the assets. 

Transferred to: The data can be filtered as per the user it has been assigned to. 

Department: Users can easily find the assets that were added and assigned to a Department. 

Status: Helps in filtering the data as per the status of the assets lying in the application. 

Condition: Displays assets as per their condition currently present in the application. 

Search: A custom search user can use to find an asset with any particular detail that was fed into the system. The + symbol beside this field can be used to add filters based on several specific columns in this grid. 



A strip of switch-button above these filters are filters based on:  

Asset Owned by: Whether asset added is owned by an organization or is a partnership asset. 

Type of Status: Whether the asset is allotted or unallotted. 

Type of asset: The asset is linked i.e. assets connected to some other asset or is Parent asset. 



Managing Assets and Asset Tracker 



The asset grid visible in the bottom of the screen displays all the assets with their data. This grid follows the First-In-First-Out rule i.e. whenever a new asset is added, it is displayed on top of the grid. User can perform multiple tasks by selecting assets from this tracker and use buttons available on the Homepage: 


Transfer Asset: Transferring assets from one location to another, from one user to another, or using a combination of both. To understand how this works, click here. 

Schedule Activity: Users can make a preventive maintenance schedule on the selected assets. 

Discard or Sell: Can discard assets 

Movement History: Check what all transactions were made on selected assets 

Update: Update details of multiple assets in one go 

Raise Ticket: Can raise a ticket with or without asset 

Barcode Creation: Can create Barcodes/QR codes for particular assets. 


Using the button on the top right of the grid, the user can manage the columns and their arrangement seen in the asset tracker. With the Arrow button beside it, the user can also export all this list of assets into Excel. 


The Asset Tracker visibility follows certain rules while displaying/binding the assets on the grid. 

  1. According to user primary location 
  1. Depends on roles and permissions 
  1. Employee can see only his allotted assets 
  1. Owner-Role user can view all assets lying in an organization 

On-Demand Configurations 

  • Default home screen can be Asset Tracker or Ticketing Homepage 

  • User can decide which all types of filters should be visible on Homepage. 

  • The default Homepage layout binding several modules can be edited and controlled. 

  • A map feature can be configured to allow user to track Geo-Location of the assets of the organization using a live map.

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