Understanding the Homepage

Understanding the Homepage

Asset Infinity is a tool that provides asset management and tracking solutions for tracking and maintaining assets, inventory, tools, and more, from anywhere and anytime.


Getting Started with Asset Infinity:

  1. Understanding the Homepage:


Upon logging into the portal with their unique login credentials, the user is automatically directed to the screen below. Upon entering the application, users are presented with a list of navigation buttons and filters to complete their tasks. 



There are 3 different parts to this Home screen that we will now understand in detail in order to gain a complete understanding of the Homepage that is the Asset List. These 3 components are:

-        The left-hand side Menu options screen

-        The top strip of the Asset List with options to perform different actions on the Assets.

-        The Asset List itself

Let us try to understand each of these better below.



-        Left-hand side Menu options screen:

This screen, as shown below in the screenshot, provides the user with a list of modules of Asset Infinity that they get to use to navigate to the different sections/functionalities that the application provides them with.

This section of the screen also comes with an option to ‘Search’ for the various sections/sub-sections of the application for quicker and easier navigation.

At the bottom of this section comes with the “Help & Support” option clicking on which the user is then shown the below pop-up that allows them to refer to the vast and detailed Knowledge Base articles, raise a Ticket in case of any issues/concerns, or even chat with our Support Team for any queries that they may have.





-        Top strip above the Asset List:


As the below screenshot depicts, these are some of the various actions that a user can perform on their Assets either by selecting one Asset at a time or on multiple Assets in bulk.
       1) Generate Stickers: Once one or more assets are selected by the user, they can click on this button to Generate a QR Code sticker or an RFID sticker that they can then take a printout of, to later stick on their assets physically for the audit/verification process. We will delve deeper into the process of creating a template for these stickers in the upcoming sections here.

       2) Asset Transfer: In order for the user to transfer one or more assets from either one location to another, or one user to another, they can select the asset(s) of their choice and click on this button to fill the Asset Transfer form and simply move their assets as per their unique requirements.

       3) Discard or Sell: If a user intends to discard (not permanently delete) an asset from the existing asset list, they may choose to do so, by selecting the asset(s) they would like to discard and once they click on this button and provide a reason for this action as per their requirement, the asset(s) would then move to the “Discard/Sold Assets” report, from where it can either be restored back into the asset list, or it can be “deleted” permanently from the system.

      4) Update Asset: This option as the name suggests helps the users to update any details of the asset(s) at any point of time. This operation, like the other options listed here, can be performed either on a single asset or multiple assets in bulk.

      5) Schedule Activity: Whenever a user wants to schedule an activity to be performed on the asset(s), they may choose to do so by selecting the asset(s) from the below Asset List and clicking on this button. We will learn more in detail about the steps to be followed in the system before an activity can be scheduled, in the later sections here.

                 6) Export to Excel/PDF: With the help of this button on the right-hand side, users can choose to export/download the Asset List in the form of an Excel file or in the PDF format as per their requirement. As soon as the user clicks on this button, they are presented with a drop-down asking if they would like to Export to Excel or Export to PDF, and clicking on either options will automatically download the file into the users’ computer.


-        Understanding the Asset List itself:


For us to fully understand the Asset List screen (or the Homepage), we would have to finally understand the various other options/buttons given against each asset that can help the user perform different actions on each asset of their choice.



        Below is a screenshot of the buttons whose functionalities are similar to that of the options listed in the “top strip” just above the Asset List that we covered above:




:                     : This option lets the user ‘Select’ a particular asset that they choose to perform certain operations upon.

                       : This is the ‘View’ button that allows the user to view all the details of the asset that they click on this button against.

                       : This is the ‘Generate Stickers’ button that, as stated in the above section is used to create/generate a barcode/RFID sticker by the user.

                                     : This button allows the user to ‘Transfer’ any asset from one location to another or from one user to another simply by clicking on this option and filling the ‘Asset Transfer’ form that pops-up.

                :To ‘Discard’ an asset from the Asset List, the user can utilise this option which will ‘discard’ the asset from this screen to the ‘Discard/Sold Report’ from which it can then be ‘deleted’ permanently from the system or even restored back to this list.

                      :Upon clicking this option, the user will then be able to ‘Update’ any details of that particular Asset.

                :If the user chooses to create a preventive activity schedule, they will be able to do so with the help of this option.
               :This is the option that allows the user to ‘Raise a Ticket’ on any asset of their choice.

                                   :Supposing that the user wants to create a new asset that has all the features as that of an existing asset, except for some, the user can simply click on this option to ‘Copy’ the exact details of the existing asset and have a duplicate asset created that they can then update to make any changes.

               :Should the user choose to ‘Print’ the details of any asset, they may simply click on this option and they will then be able to generate a physical printout of that asset and its details.

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